hey everyone...
In the last two decades, the world of business has changed beyond recognition. The high-street retailers that used to dominate the “Richest Companies” list are struggling to keep sales up in face of competition from the internet, and the new super-powers are tech companies, that make all their money online. They can spring from one basic idea – a search engine, a mail server – but they have grown to enormous worldwide brands. True, none of them have yet topped Walmart’s $469bn revenue, but things may change again. For now, here are the Top 10 Most Powerful Web Companies based on revenue from 2016.
1. Amazon
2. Google
3. eBay
4. Tencent
5. Rakuten
6. Priceline
7. Facebook
8. YAHOO !
9. Baidu
10. Sales Force
In the last two decades, the world of business has changed beyond recognition. The high-street retailers that used to dominate the “Richest Companies” list are struggling to keep sales up in face of competition from the internet, and the new super-powers are tech companies, that make all their money online. They can spring from one basic idea – a search engine, a mail server – but they have grown to enormous worldwide brands. True, none of them have yet topped Walmart’s $469bn revenue, but things may change again. For now, here are the Top 10 Most Powerful Web Companies based on revenue from 2016.
1. Amazon
But the biggest web company in the world is, of course, Amazon. Founded
in 1994 by Jeff Bezos, Amazon started life as an online bookstore. Then
it expanded into the logical, similar product ranges – CDs and DVDs. 20
years on and you can buy almost anything on there, from kitchen utensils
to shoes. Its revenue in 2013 was an astounding $61.09bn and it has
local sites for 12 countries, with shipping to many more. Of course, it
has been accused of everything from tax evasion to undercutting local
businesses and for that reason many people choose to boycott the
company. But it would take a lot of boycotts to make Amazon take notice
as it is a retailer on a different scale to nearly any other and
continues to lead the market with innovations like the Kindle and
e-books. The definitive web company and certainly the most powerful in
the world.
2. Google
Another massive dotcom company is Google, which has become so ubiquitous
that its name has made its way into everyday language. No-one searches
the web for information any more- if you want to find out something, you
google it. Starting out as a search engine, Google has expanded into
all aspects of web use, including e-mail, document storage and diary
planning. With smartphones set up to sync with a user’s Google account,
the message is that you don’t need to use any other system – Google will
do everything for you. Depending on how comfortable you are with
technology, that could either make you feel excited or a little freaked
out. It certainly has implications for users’ privacy, an issue which
came to light when members of the public were caught on camera on Google
Street View. Still, it’s a megalith of a tech company and weighs in
with a mighty revenue of $50.18, making it almost unstoppable.
3. eBay
But it still has a way to go before joining the big three. The revenue
suddenly leaps up at this point, with third-largest company eBay being
worth $14.07bn. Established in 1995, this auction site has become a
runaway phenomenon, with some traders earning their living buying and
selling on the site. It has numerous international sites, with offices
in 30 countries, and is one of the few on this list to charge fees for
its services, making the business model a very straightforward one.
Sellers pay to list, whether the item sells or not. As with anywhere
that facilitates strangers making financial transactions with each
other, there are often disputes and the site has been criticised for
always siding with the buyer.
But there’s no denying it’s a massive success and is often used as an
example of one of the biggest businesses to come out of the “dotcom
4. Tencent
The highest-ranking non-American company on the list, this is China’s
biggest social networking platform, with an instant messaging system
that caters to 647.6million users. There are also online, multi-player
games and smartphone services. It has often been accused of being
derivative, with founder Ma Huateng saying “[To] copy is not evil”,
despite legal precedent suggesting that to copy may be undesirable.
However, the copying claims have not affected the site’s popularity,
with a revenue of $6.96bn and around 25,000 employees. Other social
networking sites are banned in China, thanks to the government limiting
contact with the outside world, so Tencent has benefited from the lack
of international competitors. In time, it might even join the top 3 of
the list.
5. Rakuten
The sole Japanese company in the list, this is an e-commerce company
that has swallowed other companies whole and expanded its reach around
the globe. It started in May 1997, as Rakuten Shopping Mall, and was
renamed as Rakuten Inc in 1999. Its founder, Hiroshi Mikitani,
still acts as the Chief Executive today. Since 2010, the company has
been rapidly expanding, acquiring buy.com and the French Priceminister,
before following it up with the acquisition of the UK’s play.com in
2011. The rapid expansion has raised the revenue to $5.56bn and
established the company’s presence in Europe, North America and South
America as well as its home territory of Asia. It still has a way to go
before taking on the world’s biggest e-commerce company but it is a very
viable competitor
6. Priceline
The sole Japanese company in the list, this is an e-commerce company
that has swallowed other companies whole and expanded its reach around
the globe. It started in May 1997, as Rakuten Shopping Mall, and was
renamed as Rakuten Inc in 1999. Its founder, Hiroshi Mikitani,
still acts as the Chief Executive today. Since 2010, the company has
been rapidly expanding, acquiring buy.com and the French Priceminister,
before following it up with the acquisition of the UK’s play.com in
2011. The rapid expansion has raised the revenue to $5.56bn and
established the company’s presence in Europe, North America and South
America as well as its home territory of Asia. It still has a way to go
before taking on the world’s biggest e-commerce company but it is a very
viable competitor
7. Facebook
Ten years younger than Yahoo but widely recognized throughout the world,
Facebook is seen as the ultimate social media tool, with around 1bn
users and a revenue of $5.09bn. It was started in 2004 by Mark
Zuckerberg, and was intended to be an exclusive site for students of
Harvard. It then rolled out to other top universities before being the
worldwide megalith that it is now. As with most social media sites, it
has its lovers and haters – its users have expressed repeated privacy
concerns, when new versions of Facebook reset their privacy setting
without warning or explanation. But for many users, it has changed the
way they think and operate, relying on the system to remember birthdays,
organise events and keep in touch with friends. It’s even got its own
syndrome – “Facebook envy“,
where users experience feelings of depression through comparing their
lives to the edited highlights of others’. It may be a relative newcomer
on the scene but its impact on day-to-day life is almost unrivalled.
8. YAHOO !
Yahoo was an early player in the dotcom business, starting life as
“Jerry’s guide to the World Wide Web” in January 1994, named after
co-founder Jerry Yang. At its birth, it was a list of other websites,
arranged in a hierarchy which led to the acronym “Yet
Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle” or “Yahoo”, the company’s new
name in March 1994. It is now a web portal, offering search, news,
articles and mail services although the latter has attracted criticism
for trying to ape the look and feel of gmail, rather than the
distinctive Yahoo Mail of the past. Although the company is lagging
behind Google in revenue, it still pulled in an impressive $4.99bn in
2013 and at one point in July 2013 beat Google for visitor numbers. It’s
currently headed by CEO Marissa Mayer, named as the 8th most powerful businesswoman in America in 2013 by Fortune.
9. Baidu
Another change that’s happened in the last decade is the rise of Chinese
companies. Their National Petroleum Company is now the fourth biggest
in the world, with a revenue of $425bn and their tech companies are
coming up fast to compete with American ones too. Baidu is China’s
biggest search engine and has a revenue of $3.54bn. It also contains the
Baidu Baike – the Chinese equivalent of Wikipedia, with 6.2 million
articles. Like most Chinese web services, it is highly likely that Baike
has been censored according to government regulations, so if you read
Chinese don’t believe everything you might find on there! Wikipedia
itself has been banned in China since 2005, which has contributed to
Baidu’s rise in popularity. It has a 63% market share in China and is
planning further expansion into social media.
10. Sales Force
This name might not be as well known as some of the others on the list,
but with a revenue of $3.05bn it’s a mighty force in the tech industry.
Its sector is cloud computing
– taking data storage and communication off hardware and onto virtual
servers that can be shared by an entire team. Its natural application is
for use by sales teams, but it has a number of different products aimed
at different markets. Salesforce.com was founded by Mark Benioff in
1999 and has since acquired a clutch of companies to increase the
company value to its current $3 billion. It was also named as one of the
best companies to work for by Fortune.
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